Building Community in a Fully Online School: Minerva's Success Story


Case Study: Minerva's Virtual Academy

Building Real-Life Community Connections in a Virtual School Setting with Classlist


Minerva's Virtual Academy (MVA), a pioneering fully online school, faced a unique challenge: how to foster a sense of community among students, parents, and staff who never physically meet. In traditional schools, community-building happens naturally at the school gates or during events, but for a virtual school like MVA, these opportunities were missing. This case study explores how MVA successfully used Classlist, a digital platform designed to connect school communities, to build a vibrant, supportive, and engaged parent community.

The Challenge:

As a fully online school, MVA recognised the need to create a strong community for its students and their families. Laurence Tubb, the Head of Innovation & Hybrid at MVA, explained the challenge:

We are kind of unique amongst the schools that use Classlist in that we are fully online. Our parents never really stand at school gates and meet each other. For us, building the community has been really important.

Without physical interaction, parents and students often felt isolated. The absence of a shared physical space made it difficult for parents to connect, share experiences, and support one another. MVA needed a solution that would bridge this gap and bring families together.

The Solution: Implementing Classlist

MVA integrated Classlist, anticipating that it would serve as a valuable tool for connecting parents. What followed exceeded all expectations.

We anticipated it would be very impactful... We got a lot of people activating their accounts very quickly,” said Laurence.

Classlist quickly became the go-to platform for parents to interact. Whether they were asking questions, sharing tips, or offering support, the platform enabled them to connect in ways that were previously impossible.

Key Benefits:

  1. Peer Support and Information Sharing:
    One of the most significant outcomes of using Classlist was the peer support that naturally developed among parents. Laurence observed:
    Parents helping each other with questions that would otherwise have gone to our operations department or senior team has saved us a lot of time. It’s been really great seeing parents who’ve been here for a while jump straight on those questions and give the benefit of their experience.
    This peer-to-peer support not only lightened the load for the school’s administrative team but also empowered parents to take an active role in the community, making them feel more connected and valued.
  2. Emotional Support and Community Building:
    Classlist also played a crucial role in providing emotional support to new families, many of whom were navigating a challenging transition to online schooling.
    We’ve had lots of new starter families who post quite emotionally vulnerable messages... And then loads of parents chime in saying, ‘stick with it, give it two more weeks, here’s what we found useful.’ That kind of sharing of information has been very powerful.
    This supportive environment helped retain families who might have otherwise left, reinforcing the sense of community and belonging at MVA.
  3. Facilitating Real-Life Connections:
    Despite being a virtual school, MVA used Classlist to create opportunities for real-life interactions. For example, during school trips, parents coordinated meetups and even arranged to stay with each other, fostering strong relationships.
    This trip was so different... So many of them knew each other and had connected on the app. They were chatting and mixing, which was certainly partly because of what they managed to achieve through Classlist.
    The ability to coordinate and connect before, during, and after events added a new dimension to the school community, making even large gatherings feel more intimate and inclusive.
  4. Empowering Parent-Driven Initiatives:
    Classlist also enabled parents to organise their own initiatives, independent of the school. One notable example was a group of parents coming together to write a letter to the government about their experiences with mainstream education.
    We’ve now got this great group of families who’ve connected through the app and are getting together to write a joint letter to the government... It started in our SEND group on Classlist, but they’ve now expanded it out into various year groups.
    This initiative highlights how Classlist has empowered parents to take collective action, fostering a sense of agency and shared purpose within the community.

Looking Forward:

As MVA continues to grow, the role of Classlist in building and sustaining its community will only become more vital. Plans are in place to further leverage the platform by mobilising parent volunteers, encouraging regional meetups, and even exploring its potential to connect faculty members who are spread across different locations.

Laurence Tubb summarised the impact of Classlist on MVA:

“Classlist has been really impactful for us. It’s reinforced the commonalities between families and enabled them to share their experiences and strategies. As we continue to grow, Classlist will be essential in helping new families and staff integrate into our community quickly and effectively.”


Minerva's Virtual Academy’s experience with Classlist demonstrates that even in a fully virtual environment, a strong and supportive community can be built. By thoughtfully implementing Classlist, MVA has not only connected its parent body but has also created real-life connections that have enriched the lives of its families. This case study serves as an inspiring example of how digital tools can be harnessed to foster meaningful, real-world relationships in an online school setting.

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