Taking a look some of these fantastic summer event ideas to make things a bit different this year and put the sparkle back into your PTA events calendar!
- Bake off competitions – pay to enter your cake into the competition and then sell the cakes off afterwards. Create different categories to make judging more fun: year groups, parents, themes.
- End of term party for the parents – why not set up an end of school year event for the parents before everyone goes their different ways over the summer.
- Summer fair best stalls – ‘Soak the teacher’ and ‘Penalty shoot outs’. Why not make some of the sporty stalls free to keep the kids active.
- Big School Picnics – on the school field so the kids can play in safety. Families can bring their own rug and picnic.
- The simple coffee (not to be overlooked) – get a date in the diary for an after half-term coffee and catch up.
- Sponsored bounce – great for Reception to Year 2 children. See how many bounces they can do in a set time. Some schools hire a bouncy castle but you could also use other equipment that they can bounce on! Your PTA can run the event during the school day and families sponsor their children.
- Summer discos – give it a theme to make it more fun.
Get your Event & Fundraising Ideas Guide
Take your fundraising up to the next level with some refreshed and exciting event ideas! Some 54 ideas, tips, tricks and more...
We’ve crowd-sourced real PTA fundraising initiatives from our Ambassador network worldwide to help you raise more for your school. Boost your takings with fresh ideas and ways to encourage more parents to get involved.

Cashless ticketing
Lot of these events involve selling tickets – cue lots of standing around at the school gate with your petty cash tin, lists and printed tickets. Or not!
Using Classlist to sell tickets online for your events will save your PTA oodles of time – it also helps your PTA plan the right amounts needed for catering and other items so it cuts wastage and boosts your profits.
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