Getting pinged too little or too often can be annoying. You don't want to miss out, but there are times when you need a quiet spell. We get it!
The school year is not consistent throughout in terms of activity, so during the start of term or before the holidays, you are likely to note a spike. At other times, you might want to hear a little more.
Here's how to adjust your settings:
If you have the app installed, you are unlikely to want emails coming through too. So check that emails are turned off where an app notification is available.
Make sure the personal is left on; comments on your posts, private messaging and invitations to private parties. These are important for you and your child to be reached by classmates.
If you like to declutter via Listings, you will get private messages from people interested, so keep an eye out.
Check you have the switches turned "on" for the content type in question, as well as the follow-up comments.
Love a bargain? Keep Listings turned on too.
Generally check everything is on either by email or app.
We highly recommend you keep these ones on always.
So if you need a quiet spell, these are the ones to keep on: