Support & Updates
We are here to help! Find out how the app has grown through continual development

Classlist Support is here
Whether you've forgotten your password or need some help with setting up a school, we're here to help.
Check out the Classlist Helpdesk for answers to your school community questions and if you need to, raise your hand or a ticket and someone will be available to assist with your enquiry.
Software & App Updates
We've moved!
We've made some navigational changes on the app to give more prominence to your events and school information.
- 'What's On' joins your groups, announcements and listings in a top tab. It's now known simply as 'Calendar'.
- 'My school' gets its own spot on the bottom menu. This is the School Profile information added to Classlist Admin. School contact details, your message to parents about how they can help the school, any quick links to lunch menus, sporting events or the main school website, as well as the parent reps who's who are all now easily available.
We hope these changes make your content much more findable.
3 Classlist Admin updates!
1. Two levels for Staff Admin access instead of one
Staff members who collaborate and create events, groups, announcements or raffles on Classlist are referred to as 'Staff Admins'.
Increasingly, staff are managing Classlist user accounts for their schools. Data managers and Admissions teams need to access the relevant information to invite or deactivate accounts. These Staff Admins are now designated as Staff Admin Plus.
This new differentiation between two levels for Staff Admin accounts keeps your account simpler to use and more secure.
You can manage permissions for existing Staff Admins from the Reps and Admins page on Classlist Admin. You can also set this permission level when you invite a new staff member.
2. Community Events list refresh
On Classlist Admin, you can now view a much more detailed and appealing summary of the events in your school. We hope this makes it easier to find and manage your event.
3. School Profile updated
To improve navigation, we've split the School Profile page into two: You will notice a new 'Reps & Admins' page on the Classlist Admin menu to help you manage your community team. The 'School Profile' page remains the place to manage school information and settings.
Embracing Mobile for Better Community Engagement
We're excited to announce that Classlist for parents is getting ready to go fully mobile!
Only a small number of our parents now use the desktop, opting instead for the ease of on-the-go communication provided by our mobile app.
This shift also aims to ease the administrative effort for Classlist Reps & Admins by minimising the time spent explaining various platforms to parents and navigating between them. At the same time it increases the potential for community engagement as users move away from the less dynamic desktop and email formats.
The Classlist mobile app is already available for download.
Classlist Admin will remain available from your computer's browser to manage your community behind the scenes.
We're here to help make this transition smooth. Reach out if you have any questions!
Watch this space, we will have some more updates for the Classlist Parent App very soon!
Our 2024 round-up is now live
Check out our blog post on 2024.
Key themes were security, the evolving role of staff admins in your communities, and supporting successful events.
See why here.
Did you know? You can subscribe to the blog to get regular news and ideas.
Group info
We've given you more room for longer text on the group info tab as some communities like to list the staff, general info or upcoming activities for the term.
As more schools join Classlist, we are adding in currencies and payment options to support our members wherever they are. Get in touch to find out how we can support you and your local needs.
Take fundraising further
Your raffle fundraiser can now reach higher levels as customers can choose how many tickets they would like above and beyond the 3 bundles on offer!
Classlist Events
Did you know Classlist offers a powerful events platform which includes the option to create a public webpage for guest checkout for staff or the local community? We're working on some updates we hope you'll love! Demos are available if you'd like to find out more.
Staff Admin users
Staff Admins can help your school parent community by inviting parents, setting up interest groups or events and collaborating on communications.
Staff who join Classlist to collaborate or access the event public webpage don't always need to follow parent approval requests or send invitations, so we're making an option for staff to come onboard without user management to keep things simple.
More control in your hands
We have added filters to our growing parent listings to help you find that bargain and collectively reduce your school community's carbon footprint.
We’ve added the option to lock comments on your posts straight from your phone. When you want to close a specific conversation thread, simply go to your post and tap the 3 dots to see this option.
Expand profile and cover photos to fill the screen with a simple tap.
We’ve also added character counters to help you complete answers to questions asked on event bookings.
Private event notes
You can 'send a note' with confidence to your party guests. Whether it's a little nudge for RSVPs, or a last minute update for those who are attending, we think you'll find this is a great help.
Staff can create interest groups
Many school communities benefit from school staff setting up Classlist. Although staff are not able to join in or view the content, staff can now create interest groups, for school trips, clubs or nationality groups, for example, from which parents benefit.
Re-position event tickets in the list
You can now move the tickets up or down in the list on your community event. Reorder them to display in your preferred sequence.
This is in response to the requests we have from people organising large, ticketed events or using this option as a shop.
Community event reminders
If you want to add a date to your school's what's on list, - such as school holidays that don't require a response, - simply publish without sending invitations and auto-reminders will also be deactivated for that event.
Sticky formatting ribbon
This is another improvement for our admins. If you need to insert a link, or apply bold near the end of your longer-length newsletter or announcement, the formatting options will now remain visible to you and not require the previous scroll to the top! This is currently only available on the desktop version where most newsletters are composed.
The biggest Classlist user survey, ever!
We received 1000s of responses to our survey. Many thanks for your input! It helps us help you. 🙏
Congratulations to the random winner (respondent '2543') of a £50 voucher! 🎉
Of course, we welcome feedback any time. Drop us a note on the help desk with your constructive comments or to let us know you're interested in joining our research sessions.
If you love using Classlist, rating us on the Google Play or App Store is a fantastic way to let the team know and help us grow.
July 2024
MIS Sync Wizard in beta!
We are welcoming our first new schools to Classlist using our MIS Sync Wizard.
While we test this, we are also getting ready for the next stage of work which will enable our existing schools to migrate their roll over to our newer system. It is early days yet, but we'll keep you posted.
Meanwhile, naturally, we continue to listen, review and polish and evaluate our existing features as well as future areas of focus.
MAY - JUNE 2024
MIS integration
We have been fully-dedicated to understanding and building a first version for new schools to join us using their MIS instead of parent-parent word-of-mouth.
This is a major piece of work marking a significant moment for Classlist as we evolve towards an enterprise solution for schools that want to provide their communities with parent-parent service for communication and connection.
APRIL 2024
School Management Information System Integration
We've been preparing for new schools to join Classlist using iSAMS or Wonde. In the coming months will expand that to enable existing Classlist schools to manage move up this way.
Lots of UI/UX polish following our user survey
We continue to update our UI and UX flows. Recently this included:
- Child last names are now visible on more pages to help more families connect.
- Event questions are now easier to manage with updates to editing or deleting. We've also added some extra validation to encourage parents and public guests to include all requested details.
- Spacing has been tightened up to help you get more information on your screen.
MARCH 2024
School trips & satisfaction surveys
More and more schools are using Classlist Announcements to share photos with parents of their school trips. We love this usage: parents get travel updates as well as see the children enjoying themselves and the schools have a private way to share.
Our School Net Promoter Score (NPS) pilot is up and running. Heads, with their SLT, get a sense of parent satisfaction from the Classlist in-app NPS survey feature. A report provides all the details. Find out more
Public guest checkout, and events with questions are being reviewed and tweaked to help you get that essential information and provide great experience.
- We're looking into how to integrate with school MIS to make the roll over easy for schools to manage.
- If that wasn't enough, we hope to be getting your input on school uniform shops during the coming term.
Contact us via the links above or the help desk if you'd like to know more.
New: event check-in made easy with Classlist QR code ticket scanner
Have you tried it yet? Check in people to your next school event using your mobile phone. Perfect for fireworks, quiz nights and more. No more printing out sheets of paper to tick off names! Give it a go and let us have your feedback.
End-of-year roundup
Events, - at the heart of every school community, - have been the star of the year.
Top request fulfilled!
The Classlist events QR code ticket scanner has launched:
We've added QR codes to all our ticketed events to help you check guests in quickly to your large events.
Event organisers can access the Classlist QR code scanner from Classlist on their mobile phones.
Event notes, - sent by event organisers with targeted little updates or thank yous, - are now available on both parent and admin-views.
Sign-up lists for volunteers, lists of donations, and time slot allocation have gone from strength to strength:
- You'll be gently notified of new sign-ups to your lists.
- You can send a note to a specific sign-up or task list.
- Parents now have visibility of who else has signed up so they can join the same list as their friends. Another top request fulfilled.
With more Classlist raffles than ever before; you can use our raffle year-round on quick sports ticket raffles, seasonal celebrations and traditional fairs.
Fall 2023
Raffle organisers
Collaboration comes to raffles: Set up your no-hassle raffle with the help of additional organisers.
Classlist maps
- Navigate your way to the next event with improved integration with your mobile app map.
- Parent finder map also offers directions and improved interactions.
Global search is now on the app!
Keyword search for the different Classlist content is now on the app. Flick between different tabs to find what you're looking for. This is ideal for finding that interest group, listing or event you heard about.
APRIL 2023
Events on the Classlist app get better and better
Classlist, the app for school parents, is the obvious choice for organising ticketed events. Registered members quickly checkout and access their tickets in the app. Google Pay and Apple Pay have now landed too, making it even smoother.
Event management has also matured to match the classic web view with cancelling and deleting events a breeze on mobile.
MARCH 2023
Notification indicators for super-users
Our super-users need to know when to check their admin-side notifications or those of their second school.
New notification indicators have been added for admin-side notifications and additional schools on the same Classlist parent account.
Did you know you can have children at different schools but with just one app and one Classlist account?
Group feeds and posts have been enhanced with sorting options, highlighting and indicating older posts.
Express yourself! Try out the new emoji reactions so you can celebrate, love, thank and wave when
'like' doesn't really go far enough.
See who the class reps are by checking your class group members' tab. Volunteer from there by sending a message straight to the ambassadors. Or, if you're in the year chat group, you can now navigate easily to the Reps and admins section from the members' tab.
Join a new interest group, now ordered alpha-numerically to help you find a specific group of interest.
A big thank you to all who responded to our pre-Christmas satisfaction survey, and congratulations to the winner of the £50 draw! We have been going through the responses.
Thanks, also, to those who offered to join our pool of customers for research in 2023. As we focus on different areas, we will reach out to relevant people.
Do make sure you're on the latest version for the best experience.
See who are the class reps for your year or send a quick message to volunteer from the Reps and Admins section of Parent Finder.

In community events: parents can once again return free tickets on the mobile app. More event statuses have been added to the event detail and the community event guest list tab shows clearly who is attending.
Links, email addresses and all HTML content continues to improve through our ongoing work.
Get the latest version to access the updated features.
New formatting options on multi-image post creation making your images look amazing.
You can add portrait, landscape or square images or upload then edit.
Admin accounts will find creation options from the same parent-side menu making it easier to manage both your parent and your content creator roles.
Do make sure you have the latest update from the Google Play or App Store as we are updating regularly.
A few highlights:
Events with tickets and questions
Admin labels are back on user profiles. Be sure to add or update them on admin side to let people know what you do!
Message indicators - We're working to bring them in line with expectations. We know a few seconds can make a huge difference.
Copy paste - The copy & pasting interaction on announcements has been refined to help you share information.
The length of comments and replies This been extended dramatically. Do you need more? Let us know!
User-created content Improvements in the formatting of images, text and links is ongoing and we are listening to how you are using Classlist to adapt it to your needs.
Changed your email address? Classlist communities are private and so verifying your email is an essential step. We hope to guide you to verify your email address so you are not locked out after 7 days.
Let us have your feedback on the helpdesk. This is the best channel to share your thoughts. Screenshots, videos, device details all help a huge amount in getting to the heart of the matter and are very much appreciated.
New mobile app
We're delighted the new version of our mobile app is now available in the App Store. We are continuing to tweak and polish and doing everything we can to make your parent life easier. Add your school run, update your bio, share which languages you speak and much more!
Coming soon to listings
We know it's a pain when you come across out of date content. We have added the option to mark your listings as sold to keep the content fresh on your community listings page. To help clear out any older listings, we will be doing a clean-up later this month. You will also see options to mark items as favourites and add multiple images easily. Take a look!
New parent experience
Our fledgling Flutter mobile app is now available to our Android users! This provides a new interface and navigation to the traditional, but updated Classlist features as viewed by parents.
The work is by no means over; we have lots of plans and there's polishing going on behind the scenes, so thank you for your feedback and patience.
iOS users will discover the new app this September.
Using a PC? You will still access the classic web version for the time being. Try out the app instead?
Inspiration for eye-catching events
Looking for the perfect cover photo? Liz Parham, our product owner, has curated a collection of images, tried and tested for Classlist! Let us know what themes you like or would love to see!
JULY 2022
New app is on its way...
We're launching a new major release of Classlist soon. It's blisteringly fast, stylish and packed full of enhanced features - Parent finder, Messenger, Listings and Events that will boost your parent community.
We're really excited! Coming soon...
JUNE 2022
Sell more raffle tickets!
You can now sell Classlist Raffle tickets beyond your school community. We've enabled the public webpage which works exactly the same way as your events pages. Share the link widely! Good luck with your fundraising.
MAY 2022
Sneak preview
We have been listening to your feedback on the parent experience and weaving it into our fresh designs. Here's a sneak peak. Hint: We want any parent to be able to pick Classlist up and find the essential info they need fast!
APRIL 2022
Bulk upload for admins just got easier
When you're inviting whole classes of parents, you can use a CSV list to upload to invite them in bulk. We've added in a handy tool for you to match each column correctly with its contents, as well as extra visual feedback while the file is being processed, plus more detailed reporting so you be confident about the results.
MARCH 2022
Marketplace & Quick Start
You can now categorise your listing. This helps new parents see what types of listing are best suited to Classlist marketplace.
One of the categories is uniform; helping our members care for the environment with the sourcing or sharing of preloved uniform.
Lost & found has been simplified and is now 'Lost property'. Also supporting reuse, we hope this helps you reunite many items with owners.
See an item you like, send a private message. This is more direct and effective than the previous commenting option.
Ambassadors will find a new "Monitor Marketplace" option on the admin menu. This is because marketplace items no longer appear in the feed; leaving the group chats for conversation.
Quick start:
Free websites
Our eagerly-awaited free events websites were released to our priority list. Early feedback is that "It's nice and simple, definitely easy for non-tech users."
General release anticipated for August.
Time to declutter
We have been looking at how well the marketplace is working and coming up with a plan for some changes over the coming months.
Meanwhile, if you’re not yet familiar with it, your school’s Classlist marketplace is perfect for passing on outgrown school uniforms or finding bargain pre-loved items, without having to worry about all the trips to the post office.
PTA website update
We’ve been working on getting things in place for our new PTA websites for those on the priority list. However, partly due to demand, we do need a little longer, so we will be carrying this work on into February.
Sneak peak
The parent experience is going to go through some exciting design updates we think you’ll love.
Watch this space!
Raffle feedback
“More intuitive and saves weeks of work”
We’ve loved hearing your feedback and how much you raised using our raffle competition option.
The competition questions have already been updated to cover raffles year-round, whatever the theme or season.
We have also added a couple of updates to the roadmap to help you continue to fundraise and reach more people. More on those in the spring-summer.
Your PTA raffle prize draw competition
Enjoy all the fun of fundraising without the grind using our modern take on the traditional school fete raffle. Cashless, paperless, with limitless prizes, and mobile-friendly. Set up in under 5 minutes!
We think you’ll love launching this to engage your school’s Classlist community. Terms and conditions apply.
More volunteers, more currencies
Knowing how important it is to get parents involved for a thriving community, we have made it easier to get the right number of volunteers for your event. Up to 50 people can now add their name to any of your community event sign up sheets.
Given our fast-growing global community, we have added more currencies to our app to support schools in countries from Poland to Brazil, Japan to Switzerland.
PTA Websites
We know many PTAs don't have a website of your own but would love to reach more potential or new parents, as well as the wider community with your events. Good news!
We have put together a fantastic looking page which, not only is customizable, but can also be simply managed from your ambassador account.
You can set it up in no time. The best bit is it will stay up to date without needing you to edit it all the time, as your public events, created in Classlist, will also publish to this page automatically.
Priority access has now closed.
Find out more about our websites and how to access yours.
User-focused sessions
You may have seen our recent user survey on your feed. Thanks for your comments to those who participated! We are a user-centric team, so love to hear how you're using Classlist. We run regular user sessions which cover everything from focused reviews to open interviews.
Contact us if you'd like to be added to our participant list.
JULY 2021
Refreshed styles
The home page has had a refresh in colours and styles to make the content more accessible, i.e. clearer and easier for anyone to read. We hope you like the greater contrast, larger font sizes and different colour tones.
JUNE 2021
QA Testing
Lots of tweaks are going on to improve the wording on the app and accompanying emails and notifications.
We hope our friendly texts and tips will mean we don't make you have to stop and think about what you can do here, you can just dive right into making friendly communities.
We have separated out your default groups governed by your children's classes and years, from groups for parents, activities and the community.
We have heard that people use these groups for language-specific groups, bookclubs, parent sports as well as volunteering at the school or in the community.
MAY 2021
Scheduled sends
Have you ever stayed up late drafting an announcement , but then realised it's too late to hit "send"? If so, you'll be pleased to know you can now draft or schedule your announcements! This is aimed at helping busy PTAs manage their time and send the announcements at the time best for their school community. You simply go to create an announcement as normal, but then can choose if you want to send now or later.
Action shots
We have updated the app to improve camera and file handling for posts and comments. Now you can add photos to posts, comments & replies from your camera, as well as attach files.